Eating Healthy to Manage Continence
Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for overall health and wellbeing. It plays a critical role in promoting a healthy bladder and managing continence. The foods and drinks we consume can significantly impact both our bladder and bowel health. To support a healthy bladder and bowel, it is important to follow a balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.
Staying Hydrated
Many individuals with bladder control issues tend to reduce their fluid intake, hoping to urinate less frequently. However, staying hydrated is one of the most crucial steps to improve bladder health. Drinking enough fluids helps lower the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and constipation, both of which can aggravate continence issues.
Introducing Healthy Carbohydrates and Increasing Fibre Intake
Adding more healthy carbohydrates and fibre-rich foods to your diet, such as whole grains (oatmeal, whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta, and brown rice), can help maintain regular bladder and bowel movements. These foods contribute to better digestion and prevent constipation, which is closely related to continence issues.
Common Bladder Irritants to Avoid
Certain foods and drinks can irritate the bladder and worsen symptoms of incontinence. It is important to be aware of these bladder irritants and limit their consumption:
Caffeine: Naturally found in coffee, tea, and cocoa, caffeine can act as a bladder irritant. Consuming caffeinated drinks such as fizzy drinks, coffee, or tea, or using over-the-counter medications containing caffeine, may lead to frequent or urgent incontinence.
Alcohol: Alcohol is a diuretic and bladder stimulant, increasing the urgency and frequency of urination. Limiting alcohol intake can help reduce these symptoms.
Citrus fruits and tomatoes: The acidity in citrus fruits and tomatoes can irritate the bladder and worsen continence problems.
Spicy foods: Hot, spicy foods may trigger bladder irritation in some individuals.
Sugars and sweeteners: Both natural and artificial sweeteners can irritate the bladder in certain individuals.
Follow National Guidelines for a Balanced Diet
To ensure you are following a healthy and balanced diet, it’s a good idea to refer to the national dietary guidelines. You can review your diet in line with NHS recommendations using the NHS Eatwell Guide
Bladder and bowel incontinence may be caused by conditions which can be treated medically. Please consult your physician for medical advice and guidance.