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Article: Why Do I Leak When I Sneeze? Allergies & Incontinence

Why Do I Leak When I Sneeze? Allergies & Incontinence

Why Do I Leak When I Sneeze? Allergies & Incontinence

Stylized illustration of a woman wiping her face with a tissue outdoors, depicting sensitivity or irritation in bright sunlight.

Spring is back. The sun is shining. The leaves are returning. And so is the pollen. Yes, the dreaded allergy season is back, with runny noses, and itchy eyes, but this isn't the only thing springtime gives you, let's not forget the sneezing.

Many people don’t realise that allergy season and incontinence are connected. But why? How does something as simple as sneezing wreak havoc on the bladder? More importantly, what can you do to stay leak-free this season?

The connection between the two

A low-angle, stylized digital art image of two dandelion seed heads against a bright sky, with a building and green leaves visible. Seeds are depicted as white spheres and teardrop shapes, some floating in the air.

Not everyone has the same reaction to pollen, some people don’t even have a reaction. To put it simply though, allergies trigger a barrage of symptoms, to combat it the body responds by releasing histamine, and as a consequence, this causes sneezing, congestion and inflammation.

These same reactions can also affect your urinary system. There are two main ways in which this happens to be:

Stress Incontinence Worsens

What’s stress incontinence? Well, it’s just that, when sudden pressure is put on the bladder, be it through actions like coughing, sneezing or laughing, for example, it can cause urine to leak. 

This mostly depends on the strength of your pelvic floor. For those with a weaker pelvic floor, the extra sneezing from allergies means more frequent spikes in pressure and thus more opportunities for leaks.

Bladder Irritation and Urgency

Seasonal allergies don’t just stop at your nose. They can make your bladder overactive. Consequence? You feel the urge to go more often. 

The same histamines that give you a runny nose can also irritate the bladder and sensitise its nerves, potentially causing more frequent bladder contractions. In other words, allergies might put your bladder on high alert, making you feel like you “gotta go” suddenly and often.

Sneezing, Coughing, and Your Pelvic Floor

A woman with curly hair sneezes into a tissue while sitting outdoors, with sunlight filtering through the trees in the background.

We now know the effects of allergies. What are the effects of sneezing? Well, sneezing can put sudden intense pressure on pelvic floor muscles, which may lead to stress incontinence leaks​.
To get scientific. When you sneeze or cough, your diaphragm and abdominal muscles contract explosively, creating a rapid spike in pressure down on your bladder and the organs below.

Ideally, your pelvic floor muscles, a hammock-like sling of muscles at the bottom of your pelvis, tighten up reflexively to support the bladder and urethra. If those muscles are strong and coordinated, they can resist the pressure and prevent any urine from escaping.

If the pelvic floor is weakened or doesn’t react in time then that sudden force can push urine past the urethra, which results in a leak. A pretty simple way to envision it is like a trampoline, the heavier the impact on the net the further downward it’ll stretch. We can even take this analogy further people who have given birth, undergone pelvic surgeries, or are simply aged may have some pelvic floor weakness that makes stress incontinence more likely, sort of like a trampoline’s condition the more wear and tear the weaker it’ll get.

Each sneeze is doing a mini “core workout”, and if your pelvic floor can’t keep up, a bit of urine might leak out. It’s no wonder the old tongue-in-cheek advice to “cross your legs when you sneeze” exists (though crossing your legs isn’t a real fix, just a reflex many try).

The good news is that understanding this mechanism means we can do something about it.

How to shake the symptoms

An older man with a beard, wearing sunglasses and a white t-shirt, relaxes under a tree, basking in the sunlight filtering through green leaves.

Don’t resign yourself to leaks every spring. A combination of smart bladder habits, pelvic floor strategies, and allergy management can minimise the moments. 

Use 'The Knack’

When you feel a sneeze or cough coming, try to contract your pelvic floor muscles quickly, essentially a fast Kegel squeeze right beforehand. This has been dubbed “The Knack” and is an effective way to prevent or reduce leakage by pelvic therapists. While it gives extra support to your bladder, it does take a little bit of practice to master coordinating the squeeze with the sneeze, but many have expressed the usefulness of it.

Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

If you’ve read any of our prior blogs then you’ll know how strengthening your pelvic floor can help a lot of incontinence scenarios. Regular Kegel exercises build resilience in your pelvic muscles, preparing your body for sudden sneezes.

Hydrate Wisely

While it's tempting to drink less water to avoid leaks, proper hydration prevents bladder irritation. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as these irritate the bladder further. Let’s go back to the trampoline example, if you do regular maintenance on the trampoline, making sure the springs are strong, you’ll see how much firmer it’ll be.

Aim to do a few sets of pelvic floor contractions daily. If you’re not sure you’re doing them right, consider seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist for guidance.

Incontinence Pads

Leaks require protection, and luckily we provide a wide range of incontinence aids, tailored for a variety of situations and conditions. Maybe this time of the year only causes you with light incontinence, then a light incontinence pad could be the perfect product for you. Our bamboo light incontinence pads are highly absorbent meaning that they can tackle any leaks you may experience throughout the day.

Managing Leaks with Confidence

An older woman with glasses and a joyful expression looks up at blooming white flowers on a tree, reaching out as sunlight streams through the branches.

Don’t let allergy season put a damper on your life. With good allergy control, you can enjoy the spring flowers without worrying that every “achoo!” will be accompanied by an “uh-oh”. Stay prepared, take care of your body, and you can weather the season confidently, with tissue in one hand and confidence in the other!

Remember, understanding your body’s reactions means better preparation.

Bladder and bowel incontinence may be caused by conditions which can be treated medically. Please consult your physician for medical advice and guidance. All sources used in this article are cited below.


Southern Pelvic Health – Allergies Could Be Impacting Your Pelvic Floor​
Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials – Why You Pee When You Sneeze and How to Stop It​
ScienceAlert – High Pollen May Trigger Pelvic Pain Flares​
Aeroflow Urology – Are Your Medications Causing Bladder Leaks?
Southern Pelvic Health – Constipation from Antihistamines Worsens Pelvic Issues​
NHS – Antihistamines (overview of effects)​

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