How to clean my digestive system & colon and recover

Regular colon cleansing is an excellent preventative measure for a clean and functioning digestive system. This can help ensure that your body's natural processes can work in the most efficient way possible.

This article is all about how you can take care of your gastrointestinal tract by removing the toxins and waste material that cause problems. We'll also cover what happens when these issues aren't addressed, including colon cancer and many other diseases and dysfunctions.

About Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing is when waste and toxins are removed from the colon, intestines, and rectum. This is done by using dietary fibre, water and/or herbs to gently remove unwanted materials that can build up in the suppositories or as a result of poor diet, lifestyle and environment.

The colon can be stimulated to produce increased levels of hydrochloric acid with dietary fibre. Most people need to consume more fibre than they currently are to achieve optimum results. Most people who follow a standard American diet do not meet this requirement.

The colon can also be stimulated by the use of herbal remedies. These remedies are made from various agents, such as senna, psyllium, cascara sagrada and pectin. These herbs help soften and bulk up the stool so that it is easy to pass through the system without being retained or causing discomfort.

The colon can be further cleaned by drinking large amounts of water and then having an enema with all liquid removed from the body. This can release toxins that are not flushed out in other stages of colon cleansing or through normal bodily processes.

The colon is not a simple tube but instead is the beginning of all bodily functions. Toxins, inflammation, and pain are the three main problems people experience with this body area.

Eight tips for a healthy body and digestive systems:

Healthy bodies and digestive systems mean feeling good about yourself. You will have the energy to work and care for yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you. To help you feel better about yourself, here are eight tips for a healthy body and digestive system.

1. Eat natural foods.

2. Get exercise (a brisk walk or a short bike ride can be helpful).

3. Use herbs from your garden or purchase fresh herbs from a local market each week. Avoid using dried herbs because they lose their potency over time.

4. Get plenty of rest each night and take a nap each day.

5. Drink water from an unpolluted, non-fluoridated source. Tap water may be unhealthy; use a filter for tap water to remove chlorine and fluoride.

6. Supplement with targeted nutrients that help support healthy digestion - probiotics (helpful bacteria), digestive enzymes and betaine HCl (a natural remedy for indigestion) are helpful supplements you should add to your diet regularly.

7. Take a sauna once or twice a week (sweating can be beneficial to detoxify the body).

8. Exercise your body.

By following these simple tips, you can help your body and digestive system operate more efficiently. Keep in mind that eating unrefined foods and living an active lifestyle can help to detoxify the body naturally and keep you looking and feeling great!

Signs that you need to cleanse the colon:

1. Digestive issues - regular gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation or acid reflux.

2. Frequent colds and infections. The toxins released from emotional stress can cause frequent sicknesses, chills, headaches, and low energy levels. When you remove these toxins from the body, your immune system can work more effectively to ward off common illnesses like colds and flu without putting excessive stress on your system.

3. Skin rashes and acne - when the colon is not cleaned of toxins regularly, they will leak into the body through your pores.
4. Chronic headaches and migraines - toxins in the colon can also cause excess mucus buildup, which can block nerves and cause pain throughout your body.

5. Weight gain - as your body works extra hard to eliminate toxins you eat, drink and breathe in every day, it may start storing fat as a protective measure. This is especially common around the abdomen or midsection.

6. Depression and anxiety - when toxins leak into your brain, they can cause emotional distress like depression and anxiety. Toxins in the brain can also cause memory loss and contribute to dementia, which is extremely common today.

7. Pain - as toxins leak into the brain, they can cause pain throughout the body. This can be a very unpleasant experience, so most people don't talk about it.

8. Anxiety or irritability - when toxins leak into your brain, you may feel anxious or irritable, especially if you are not used to dealing with excessive amounts of stress in your life. This can result from excess mucus buildup from not enough water being absorbed from food and drink consumed each day.