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Yoga and Incontinence - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Yoga and Incontinence

Yoga and Incontinence - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Yoga and Incontinence

Yoga Day - 21st June 2023 Yoga has been widely recognised to have several health benefits. It has been practiced in India for 100 of years for health benefits. Yoga could help you reduce the freque...

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Bladder Diary - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Bladder Diary

Bladder Diary A bladder diary is a simple chart which allows you to record the fluid you drink and the urine you pass during the day and night, as well as it helps you document if you have urgency...

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Understanding Anxiety - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Understanding Anxiety

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How To Keep a Healthy Bladder - Novamed (Europe) ltd

How To Keep a Healthy Bladder

Hey, you! Yeah, you with the bladder issue. You're not alone. Up to 60% of adults suffer from some form of incontinence. And chances are, it makes your life a considerable mess — in more ways than ...

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Can Stress Cause Diarrhoea - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Can Stress Cause Diarrhoea

One widespread side effect of stress is diarrhoea, but it doesn't always happen. In fact, several studies have shown that certain people can potentially gain immunity to stress-induced stomach prob...

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Can Thrush Cause Incontinence - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Can Thrush Cause Incontinence

The most straightforward reason I can think of to explain why thrush causes incontinence is that the condition affects the balance in your bladder. Thrush, a yeast infection in your mouth, can caus...

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How Do You Get A Urine Infection - Novamed (Europe) ltd

How Do You Get A Urine Infection

Pregnant women know all too well that urine infections are one of the more painful and inconvenient side effects of pregnancy. But how exactly does one get a urine infection? Is there something you...

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What Is Double Incontinence - Novamed (Europe) ltd

What Is Double Incontinence

Many people experience incontinence at some point in their life, but what about those who have it twice? Yes, you read that right - there are people out there who suffer from double incontinence. F...

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What Does Urinary Incontinence Mean - Novamed (Europe) ltd

What Does Urinary Incontinence Mean

If you've ever walked into a bathroom and found water running down the front of your pants or seen a dark spot on the floor where you were sitting, then you've experienced urinary incontinence. Som...

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What is BMI - Novamed (Europe) ltd

What is BMI

You need to know your BMI before knowing if you are at risk of incontinence. Your BMI can tell you the percentage of body fat that a person has. 

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