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Article: Fitness With Incontinence

Fitness With Incontinence - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Fitness With Incontinence

It's never too late to start living a healthier life! If you suffer from bladder or bowel incontinence, several physical fitness routines can provide relief and promote better bloating and digestion. From walking to jogging, dance moves to yoga poses, it doesn't matter what your preference is — the important thing is making sure that your routine includes a few minutes of core-strengthening exercise each day.

All of these exercises can be modified for incontinence sufferers by reducing the intensity. It's not only possible, but it's also easy! Keeping an eye on your body while exercising will help you stay healthy and fit without having to give up any activities you might enjoy.

1. Sit-ups – Celebrities and models alike love the "Gannet" sit-up exercise because of its simplicity and effectiveness. A traditional sit-up emphasizes the transverse abdominal (the "six-pack" muscle), and with increased abdominal pressure, this muscle contracts, increasing the flow of urine from the bladder.

2. Sit-ups – The plank exercise is a little different than a traditional sit-up as it requires more core strength to keep the body in position as you perform as many as you can! It's crucial here that you maintain a neutral spine — don't arch your back or lean forward — and breathe steadily throughout so that you can hold your position for as long as possible.

3. Push-ups – The transverse abdominal also contracts during this exercise, pushing air out of the stomach and improving digestion by making space for food to pass through the body. If you're new to the push-up, start with hands-on on an elevated surface (like a pillow or your couch), then slowly bring your knees onto that same surface over time.

4. Dancing – Any dance, from ballet to hip hop, can be modified for incontinence sufferers no matter what level of fitness you are at! Just make sure that you choose a dance style or song that feels comfortable for you.

5. Yoga – Several yoga poses can provide relief for incontinence sufferers. Try the child pose, which is perfect for bloating, the cat-cow pose for better digestion or the bow poses to strengthen your abdominal muscles.

6. Dancing – Dancing (see below) is an excellent exercise for all ages and fitness levels alike! Incontinence sufferers can modify this by moving fluidly and slowly instead of grinding out spins and complicated steps.

7. Dancing – When you're dancing, don't forget to breathe! It's easy to lose focus when on the dance floor, but concentrating on breathing is essential.

8. Jogging – Outside or inside, joggers can enjoy the benefits of jogging without experiencing any bladder or bowel stress. If you're not feeling up for a run just yet, check out this video for how to modify your jogging pace so that it's sustainable for your body. If you're just getting started with an exercise routine, begin with short bursts of jogging and build up slowly so that your muscles can become used to the pace before adding more distance.

9. Cycling – If you're feeling up to it, cycling can be an excellent form of physical activity because it doesn't place any pressure on the bladder or bowels. There are several ways to modify your cycling routine so that it's possible for you to ride your bike without leaking.

10. Dancing – When dancing, focus on breathing! Pay attention to your diaphragm and abdominal muscles while you're twirling around the room!

11. Yoga – Combo-twisting poses are another effective exercise for better digestion and increased core strength. Try doing this one while sitting in a chair or lying down in bed at night before sleep since these modifications make the exercise more straightforward to manage throughout the day.

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