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Article: How To Boost The Immune System

How To Boost The Immune System - Novamed (Europe) ltd

How To Boost The Immune System

Do you have a cold coming on? What if you knew how to boost your immune system so you could fight off the virus and refuse to get sick? Let's learn more about this critical topic.

Since you spend all day with your head stuck in a desk, do you know what you need to stay healthy? You might not be able to answer without reading on. Let's learn about how your immune system works, how it can be boosted, and what you can do to make it stronger. Plus, we'll even tell you about the best foods for helping that boost!

You should always take care of yourself and get plenty of rest to enjoy maximum health. Here is some helpful advice from our friends at :

"If you work at a desk all day long, make sure you are getting up and stretching at least three times an hour. Your neck and back muscles need to move to remain flexible and strong. If you don't take the time to stretch, you can develop stiff muscles and joints that may eventually lead to pain or dysfunction. If these tight muscles are continually stressed (by lack of movement), they will not be able to support your stress load as well."

It is important to remember that being on your feet is another way to help prevent hip problems. A helpful hint is to take the stairs instead of an elevator. In addition, try to avoid walking on hard floors, which will help your hips.

What should you do if you are experiencing a cold or the flu? Here are some tips from Dr Mercola :

"1) As soon as possible, eat raw or cooked cold-water fish such as sardines and salmon to boost your immune system. Raw meats such as chicken and turkey may also be helpful."

"2) Continue to take vitamin C in some form or another. Vitamin C is a potent immune system builder. Take at least 5,000 mg daily (ascorbic acid) – or as much as 10,000 to 15,000 mg daily."

"3) Find which food best supports your immune system. Some people respond to certain foods more than others. For example, my mother is sensitive to dairy products, and I need dairy for my immune system. Some people have a strong or weak immune system depending on the food other people eat in their diet."

"4) Find out what your body is lacking in terms of nutrition and make sure you take a large enough amount of those nutrients at the moment when you are sick. It will be hard to get well without adequate supplies of these nutrients. Some nutrients help your body repair itself, while others support the immune system."

"5) Avoid antibiotics unless necessary. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, so they can make you more vulnerable to infection. Taking antibiotics will not allow the immune system to do its job."

Mary Gallop, M.D., and James Ratzinger, M.D., PhD, of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), have a simple suggestion for those who want to prevent joint problems: "People need to be active and be able to move their joints," Dr Gallop explains. "A lot of people sit at a computer or drive. But sitting for long periods with little movement is not good for your joints because the muscles and cartilage do not get any use."

They also recommend relaxing your body to reduce stress, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. If you find yourself "stuck" in a chair at work all day long, take regular breaks and get up to walk around. If you are on your feet, try to avoid stepping on hard surfaces that put added pressure on your joints. Get plenty of rest and avoid caffeine (coffee), alcohol and tobacco products that can weaken your immune system and cause other problems. By following a healthy lifestyle, you will boost your immune system and reduce your chances of suffering from joint problems such as osteoarthritis.

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