How our Subscription Orders work
At Novamed, we believe that ordering essential products like incontinence supplies should be simple and convenient.
Many of our customers place multiple orders throughout the month or week, and we understand that this can be time-consuming. That's why we offer a subscription service to make buying your incontinence products hassle-free. With our service, not only will you save time, but you’ll also save 10% on every order.
Once you subscribe, we automatically dispatch your orders the next day after receiving payment, ensuring delivery within 1–2 business days. This means you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to order your products.
How Our Subscription Service Works:
Choose Your Products: Select the "Subscribe and Save" button, add your required incontinence products to your basket, and choose how often you would like these products to be re-delivered.
Proceed to Checkout: After successfully checking out, you will automatically be added to our subscription list. You’ll receive login details so you can easily manage your active subscription.
Automatic Re-delivery on Your Set Date: We will automatically deliver your products on the date you selected, so there’s no need to worry about missing a delivery.
Why Choose Novamed's Subscription Service?
- No hidden charges or minimum term contracts.
- Easily skip a delivery, pause, or cancel your subscription online.
- Friendly customer support available via our freephone number: 0808 196 2070.
We are committed to providing a seamless and stress-free experience for our customers. Our goal is to ensure you always have the incontinence products you need, exactly when you need them.
Feel free to explore our full range of incontinence solutions here!