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Article: What Causes Bladder Stones

What Causes Bladder Stones - Novamed (Europe) ltd

What Causes Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are caused by many different factors, including lifestyle choices, heredity, and medical conditions. We'll explore all that and more in this article!

It's common to blame your cold for anything strange that happens. You might think that getting a bladder stone from drinking too much ice tea is just an old wives tale or a story from grandma. It's not. In fact, it's the truth! Learn what causes bladder stones and how to avoid them after you check out this article!

What Causes Bladder Stones?

There are many different causes for bladder stones. The most common reasons are medical conditions, drinking too much water, eating certain foods, and lifestyle choices. Let's go over some of the more serious causes that can cause bladder stones.

Medical conditions or diseases that can cause bladder stones to include:

Painful bladder syndrome (OAB) is a common medical condition in which the person has frequent painful urination, an urgent need to urinate, and a feeling of urgency to urinate. The person might suffer from burning pain in their lower abdomen or pelvic area. Bladder pain is a prevalent symptom among people with this condition. It comes on suddenly and lasts for up to 24 hours when the urge to pass urine becomes unbearable. It's important to know that this painful condition can lead to more severe including bladder stones.

Urethral stricture: Strictures, or any narrowing of the urethra, can be caused by male or female urinary issues. It becomes a condition when the urinary tract becomes narrow, which causes urine to build up and quickly pass through the urethra, which becomes painful and leaves the person feeling irritable and tired. Other possible causes of a stricture include:

- Bladder problems

- Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes) - Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which glucose is not processed correctly in the body and can lead to kidney damage and an increased risk for developing kidney stones.

Cystitis: Cystitis is also known as an acute or acute inflammatory bladder disease. The urine becomes cloudy, does not flow, and is very painful when the person attempts to pass urine.

- Urinary stones

Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone) - Nephrolithiasis is when kidney stones form in the urinary tract of people prone to developing stones. This happens in about 10% of all cases of kidney stones. It's important to know that it's not just children that get kidney stones; adults can get kidney stones too! The most common reason for developing kidney stones in adults is genetic factors (heredity). Kidneys are around 90% water in weight. When these stones are formed, they can cause symptoms that include:

- Pain in the back

- Difficulty urinating

Renal colic: Renal colic is when kidney stones are passed down your urinary tract. It happens when the stone becomes stuck in the ureter, which causes pain. This can happen because of a vast stone or a small stone because both can be uncomfortable for you.

Paget's disease of the bone: Paget's disease is a common bone disease that causes unusual bone growth, mainly in the skull. It can also occur in other bones that are supporting. The bones can become weak and break easily because of this disease. It's excruciating if the bones crack and it requires immediate medical attention.

BPH (prostatic enlargement) - BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the prostate gland that causes pressure on the urethra and causes urination problems. BPH is not considered cancerous, so it does not spread to parts of your body as cancer would, but it will undoubtedly cause you pain if left untreated.

Diabetes: As stated above, diabetes can cause urethral strictures. It's the leading cause of bladder cancer and is often one of the causes of kidney stones.

Bladder cancer: Bladder cancer is not very common in adults, but it can happen. When the bladder becomes filled with tumours, it causes discomfort and pain when there is an attempt to urinate or an increase in urine volume. It can also cause blood in the urine, which is a very serious first.

Heredity is a factor in bladder stones as well as other diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Many people who have had these diseases in their families pass them on to their children. If you're the type to keep your medical history hidden from those around you, then now would be an excellent time to spread the news!

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