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Article: Why Do People Wear Incontinence Pads

Why Do People Wear Incontinence Pads - Novamed (Europe) ltd

Why Do People Wear Incontinence Pads

It can be incredibly embarrassing to tell someone that you need an incontinence pad — and there's a good chance they'll have no idea what you're talking about.

But, with the help of this post, you'll soon know more about this necessary and life-changing product. Read on to learn why people wear incontinence pads, the risks associated with not wearing them, and how to find the right pad for your needs.

Firstly, it's essential to know that there are two types of incontinence. Urinary incontinence refers to the leakage of urine, and insertable urinary incontinence (IIUI) refers to the leaking of stool. Both are common among people with neurological disorders such as M.S. or Parkinson's disease.

Urinary incontinence 
can be defined as having involuntary urine leakage from the bladder or an inability to control normal functions of micturition due to loss of bladder control. It can occur in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus, a build-up of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain or spina bifida.

Urinary incontinence is embarrassing and can make life difficult. Many people with this condition are unable to hold a job. They need to find alternative ways to manage it, such as incontinence pads or underwear.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, caring for urinary incontinence is often a family matter because family support is essential in improving patients' quality of life with this disorder.  For more information on urinary incontinence, please check out our post on bladder control or bladder leakage.

Insertable urinary incontinence (IIUI)
refers to the leaking of stool. It is the most common type of incontinence in the general population, accounting for 80% to 90% of cases. It can be caused by neurological disorders such as M.S. or Parkinson's disease and can be caused by spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury, and spina bifida.

It usually affects older people, and it is more likely to occur after age 50. A meta-analysis found that the risk of patients experiencing iii was highest in those over age 60 years.

When someone has this condition, they cannot control the movements of their intestines. This can lead to leakage of faecal matter. Some people have voluntary control (ability to still empty their bladder) of abdominal muscles, preventing faecal deposits from occurring and protecting the person's clothing. For these individuals, wear of a pad may be required in order to avoid leakage.

So, why do people wear incontinence pads?
There are many reasons why someone might choose to wear an incontinence pad. Sometimes a patient will choose to use a pad because they are very active and don't want to sweat through their clothes or have stains from uncontrollable diarrhoea.

Other reasons for wearing an incontinence pad include:

To prevent skin rashes caused by sweating through the clothes.
To prevent urine staining on sheets, bedding, and clothes.  After a physician has warned of the potential for urine staining, people with bladder control problems will have to avoid wearing any clothing that can be stained.  There are also special waterproof pads; some are made with a plastic backing, others with a plastic coating, and still others are made with a soft fabric coating. People who have this condition must wash their underwear often to avoid stains on their underwear. It could help them stay dryer and more comfortable.
To prevent leakage from occurring (this is discussed later).

To protect undies from soiling.  Some incontinence pads are made of waterproof material and will help keep the person dry. People must wash their underwear often to avoid stains on their underwear.  If possible, they should wear a pad at night to prevent leakage during sleep. If the person sweats heavily, moisture could irritate the skin, causing rashes to develop over time.  A pad can help with this as well.

Leaking can be embarrassing and frustrating.  Many people who sometimes wear incontinence pads may feel frustrated if it happens when they least expect it, such as at work or in a social situation.  Discretion is an issue for many people who have bladder control problems because they have to go into the bathroom and change their disposable underwear pants in public places.

Who needs to wear an incontinence pad?
Not everyone has to wear an incontinence pad, but those who have overactive bladders or cannot control their bowel movements need this type of product which can help them prevent accidents.

Some people may just find them more comfortable than regular underwear. In addition, when pads are worn, they can often prevent skin irritation and rashes. Here's a quick infographic explaining the benefits of incontinence-related care.

When should I sign up for home-based services from an incontinence pad provider?
The most important thing is to get checked out by your doctor.  You don't want to wait until it's too late to get help with incontinence for embarrassing situations that become more frequent.  Once you talk with a physician about your bladder control problems and learn about the treatments, he or she can tell you if you need to use different pads for different occasions.

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